Shimmering around the room in her white sequined coat, Andrea Landau -- the scarf designer -- was entertaining guests in her new apartment on Thursday, November 11th. While this cocktailing set had more of a fashion flair than most new media parties, I did rub shoulders with some new media movers. Don Sussis, of Interested, Inc., which provides e-commerce consulting, concepts, and solutions, and Murray Alter, tax partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers and esteemed writer of such topics, were discussing at length many new media ventures. Global mortgages and finding the right "dot-com" to invest in or work with were two discussions. Biotech investor Edward Fagin, president of Diversified Funding Unlimited Corp. and the host for the evening was also jumping in to the conversations.
Outside on the wraparound Penthouse terrace at the Worldwide Plaza were many who decided the chilly air felt good and the spectacular south eastern view was worth the nippyiness. Just before leaving, I met Elaine Korn, who is a photographer rep for advertising clients and Thomas Wyner, who is chairman of London-based Richard Pexton Ltd. These two are a classic Internet story -- two friends whose friendship consists of daily emails until their next "meat-space" (to borrow from the reputable John Perry Barlow's SIG) visit.