As if you weren't already worked to the bone and totally tapped of money and energy by just living in NYC, NYNMA is going to take your blood! And I mean it literally! This is just one of a whole host of plans the Membership Relations committee came up with on Tuesday, January 12 for membership drives throughout the year. But don't worry, NYNMA isn't so callous as to just take your blood and live off it. No, this is for a very worthwhile venture -- it is in conjunction with the Red Cross and it is a drive to help replenish the seriously depleted blood banks. So, please stay tuned for more information on this worthwhile and fulfilling event. I am helping coordinate it and once I have all the particulars, I'll be sure you know about it. You can also keep up to date on NYNMA events at their site. If you are interested in membership information, or getting more involved in fun activities (organizing, volunteering, participating), please call the NYNMA office.