Thursday, December 18, 1997

Think New Idea's Holiday Party & The Eliashevichs

I was also a fly on the wall at Think New Ideas' Holiday party the next night, Dec. 18th. In the spacious F-Stop in Chelsea, employees could fill up on the hot buffet of chicken and pasta or on some free holiday beverages. Former VJ Adam Curry and his biz-guy Ron Bloom were dashing about in zoot and pin-stripe suits (respectively). Guests were permitted after 11pm and then I'm sure it was a rockin'!

I headed over to the hip new spot Chez Es Saada on the lower East side for a quiet dinner with friends. We talked long into the night and I missed a few other events, but this is the season when time must be made for friends.As the week comes to a close, things are coming to a screeching halt as people realize no holiday shopping was done, there's just not enough time, and this is our last chance to rest before the new year ramps up. New Year's will have a few new media parties I'm sure, but its also nice to get back to "our roots" and rejuvenate for this coming busy exciting year. [NOTE: THIS WAS THE ANNIVERSARY DINNER FOR ANNA AND VANYA ELIASHEVICH]

(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)