Friday, October 17, 1997

Swell Farewell to McCarthy and Jaffe

All's well that ends well, and it was a swell farewell to Chris McCarthy and Nancy Jaffe Friday night Oct. 17th at the Suzy Wong Lounge below E & O Restaurant on Houston St. Donned in black, and Nancy in a hot-to-trot leather skirt, I mused how well they'll fit in with the Valley counterparts.
Clem Paulsen and his lovely wife May beamed as they told me about their upcoming trip to Russia to pick up their newly adopted 8-month old baby girl. May, Anne Yoakam (freelance writer) and myself had an involved discussion on the status of women in relation to Communism vs. Capitalism.
Our conversation got cut short by Bonnie Halper as she flew in with a flock of men including Taylor Standlee and Vernon Steward (sporting a name tag of "Jack Ass" -- apparently a cruel joke from a collegue) from Think New Ideas.

David Kidder was charming as ever, although I just met him. He's a good person to have around 'cause he knew all about the Alley to Valley Rally and that always fills a  bucket o' conversation. David Turnbull (Director, New Biz Dev., RareMedium), Andrew Gelman (my first cyber-lawyer), Marielle Smith (Greene Communications) and Chris Starace (VP Prof. Services, Social Science) populated the red lit oriental themed lounge and all looked like they're weathering our new media storm quite well.

(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)