"Oh you simply MUST try the truffles," cooed the English-accented voice near me. I turned and it was Jan Biggs with her husband Jeremy Biggs of Helix Software. Standing nearby, Pat Altman of RDA International agreed. How could I resist such temptation, especially when paired with such a fine Port? The PC World Annual Wine tasting at Merlot's Bar & Grill on October 14 was an exquisitely civil event. Held mostly for advertisers and prospective clients, the gathering featured newly-appointed publisher Jeff Edman and VP-associate publisher Bob Carrigan as gracious hosts. While I enjoyed sampling wines from around the world, Jeff confessed he still preferred Californian wines.
Meanwhile Francis Fisher (McCann-Erikson) held a group of other PC World reps captive with anecdotes on his experiences at this agency. Susan Corke and Amy Cerrone of Ogilvy & Mather's IBM account were indulging in the very rare roast beef, sliced thickly by a white beret-capped Frenchman. And a good bunch of other ad world people looked to be enjoying the fine wines and hors d'oeuvres.
(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)