Look Smart! Dress Sharp! Click, Click Here! Which one doesn't fit in with the other? Ha. Gotcha! They all fit together, and did so nicely at Fred's Beauty Bar on Tues, Oct. 28th. Held in conjunction with Doubleclick, the party drew a well-dressed crowd of new media parties. Nate Elliott (Doubleclick) filled me in on the Doubleclick scoop and this companies wide net work of sites for advertisers to buy into. Public Relations manager Amy Shapiro (DC) was on her way out in a fun faux (I hope) fur collared coat with Michael Tchong (Iconoclast) who just finished a research study on "Music on the Net."
Mark Filstrup.com gleefully told me he's at CBS News after a long affair with Site Specific (which we all know is now married as CKS/Site Specific). Jim Orsi, who's still at CKS/SS was looking no worse for the wear however, even as Mark mentioned "its the little perks" like a free wool David Letterman cap and t-shirt that he just got. Key Compton (President, Solbright) and Taylor Ongaro (Co-Founder, Dir. of Ops, Solbright) have a key market in developing software for the publishing industry. Their more backend product will only become more useful as more people publish. And these days, anyone can publish on the i-n-t-e-r-n-e-t.
David "Happy Feet" Carvajal (Hotjobs) danced around the floor as he told me of a system "designed by headhunters for headhunters" that will be the "internet recruting strategy of the future." This didn't sway Larry "Happy Legs" Melzer (Otec.com) from persuading me about all his company's capabilities. Moving from there I did a dip into a chair and plopped right in the midst of a fascinating heated debate between Cathleen "Eco-feminist" McGuire (Kokopelli), Katie Peters (Partner, Kokopelli), and Jacqueline D. London (Acct. Exec, Playboy). "Are men gender or culturally biased?" was how Jackie started it off. Cathleen passionately conveyed that even for women to lord over men with the power of their bodies is still maintaining a patriarchal society. To move out of it, we move to a closer concept of equality. Katie had good counter-points but I was thrown off track when Jackie cited that from an anthropological basis, men were first attracted to women's rear-ends. Over centuries the interest moved to breasts, of which the cleavage resembles the crack in a butt. -- Hey. I just report the stuff, I don't make it up!
(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)