The next night, 7/17, Narrowline ( hosted a dinner at Flowers restaurant. In an effort to bring together new media people in a social environment to foster friendships and solid contacts they have begun hosting these dinners on a regular basis. On hand this evening were: Amy A. Schoenborn, Dir. of Development, Electronic Frontier Foundation (; Jill Goldring, New Media Manager of Time magazine; Eduardo Samame, Dir. of Biz Development, and Mark Elkin, Senior Sales Engineer of NetGravity (; Angelina Kwok, Valerie Martinez and Denise Seidner, Young & Rubicam New Technologies' top project managers and media planner respectively; and Don Wahlig, Director, Media Relations, and Matthew Shevach, Manager/Netcast Relations of Narrowline. The conversation flowed from topics of fine wine to the strange barnacle appetizer some of us brave ones ordered to the senior market and the internet. A personal passion for Jill, she educated us on SeniorNet ( and her efforts thus far on this important demographic.
(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)