Always one quick to action, NYSIA's president, Bruce Bernstein, spoke with me on Friday about the efforts they've undertaken to assist companies affected by the tragedy on Tuesday, September 11th. Their "clicks and bricks strategy" to offer emergency business assistance to companies that have been dislocated and are suffering from after-effects is several-fold. There are forms for people to offer assistance ranging from supplies, equipment, services and office space. If your firm has been affected by the disaster, you can also fill out a form explaining your needs and requesting these items or services. Currently they have had 70 offers of equipment, services and supplies and 65 offers of space available for companies to use. Also quite efficient and effective is their relocated company directory. List yourself here so other firms and people can find you!
Following Senator Charles Schumer's call for all New Yorkers to fly the flag, NYSIA is asking all New York City companies, in all industries, to put one of the twelve flag banner designs on their Web site home pages. The banner was created by board member Michael Pinto (CEO, Vanguard Media). Going forward, Bruce and NYSIA will be working hard to see that some disaster relief money coming into New York will be earmarked for technology companies. Additionally, their big annual event, the Software Summit, has been moved to January and has changed themes to be about "Rebuilding New York." In the meantime, their community meeting on Monday, October 1st will be a chance for people to gather and discuss how to rebuild their businesses, the industry and the city. Co-sponsored by The Cyber Scene you can find out more details at