* Benefit for Michelle Bouchard, running for City Council, 3rd District
* Monday, October 1 at the China Club from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
* http://www.electbouchard.com/Benefit.htm
The tragic events of September 11 have changed forever the landscape of our great city. But we have emerged more unified, more determined, and with a renewed sense of what is important. We have also emerged with a better appreciation of how important our city government is at this critical moment. It is the next Mayor and City Council that will be charged with making decisions that will affect us all for decades to come. However, we can no longer afford to have a Do-Nothing City Council. For years, the City Council has been New York's greatest undeveloped resource, squandering its power and potential on marginal issues that don't affect the vast majority of us. Time and again the Council has failed to fully exercise its authority to make the city run efficiently and responsibly. We need a City Council with new skills and new perspectives. Unlike my opponent, I don't have big contributions from special interests - just mostly small contributions and the $150 ticket donation will be used to fund outreach to all the constituents in the 3rd District. In good times, the Council's shortcoming didn't matter as much. The Council could avoid tough decisions and simply pass larger and larger budgets, knowing that it could rely on rising tax revenues that came from economic expansion. They could cater to special interests and let the rest of us fend for ourselves. We no longer have that luxury. It must have members who have the responsibility, experience and fortitude to make hard choices - and make them wisely.
* http://www.electbouchard.com/Benefit.htm