WHEW! IT MUST be the pending hot summer days that have slowed things down after the frenzy of last week.
BRIGHTLY COLORED clunky keyboards, large screens of Ren & Stimpy, four-feet-tall big orange balls . . . who could ask for anything more? The launch party for Nick.com (the on-line service of Nickelodeon TV) on Tuesday, June 3, at 1515 B'way, would be any kid's dream. Executive producer Jed Weissberg took us through the extensive site and highlighted many of its playful qualities. We were dazzled not only with his green-purple silk shimmery jacket but also the top sections including "TV," "Big Help," "Games," "Magazine," and "Juicy" which was developed by kids for kids. Munching on cheese fondue, humongous chocolate-dipped strawberries, and a chaser of Rugrats gummy candy, our eyes were a-poppin' at the fun games on the site. Programmed by the much news-mentioned Spiral Media--president Art Williams was present--the site also got a boost from Rare Medium. A last glance over the aesthetically calming gravel patio garden gave us a great view of the LG Group logo in Times Square.
(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)