Good Lovely Day Cyberscensters!
Here are a few upcoming events that I think are worth attending! Perhaps I'll see you at one of them.
BarCampNYC2 is on track for this weekend (Sept 30th to Oct 1st) and
it's going to rock. Of course, we're still looking for awesome people and companies to chip in to help feed and cloth the attendees. If you or your mad cool company wants to score goodwill from BarCampNYC, a donation of anywhere from $100 to $500 or in-kind donations of food or snacks are much appreciated. This way we get to keep the participant cost to zero, in the spirit of BarCamps. Please send your donations to my paypal address (no, really, it's legit!) at: courtney at pulitzer dot com.
We're also looking for bits of equipment. Let us know if you can bring in power strips, extension cords, VGA/DVI adapters, etc.:
To attend BarCampNYC2, you must register or we won't be able to get you
into our venue. It's going to be at Microsoft's offices and if you or your friends haven't signed up yet, be sure to do so ASAP:
Check out the site for all the groovy info:
* In the Company of Women presents: "Does your MIND create your BODY?" A moderated conversation with Patricia Moreno of IntenSati Life.
Does your mind create your body? Is your body an outward expression of your Self? Could your thoughts about yourself manifest in your experience of your body? If we are able to choose our thoughts, can we choose our bodies? Bring your thoughts on this topic and join the In the Company of Women group for this unique evening of evocative conversation. Thursday, September 28, 7PM. Seamen's Church Institute; 241 Water Street. Tickets: $30/advance, $40/door. To register or for more information about the event, please visit: or call 212-604-4705.
* Congratulations to Hartnick Consulting president Kate Hartnick Elliott for adding nonprofit and media executive search to her firm's suite of services. This was a natural extension of the marketing strategy, communications and event management solutions the firm has offered to nonprofits since its founding in 2001. They are also well positioned to conduct media executive searches they regularly speak and work with media executives, and have decades of experience working inside media companies. You may remember Kate from her earlier days as VP of advertising and bizdev at online cultural magazine, FEED; the first director of corporate sales at Jupiter Communications and a marketing executive at the New York Daily News.
* James Sosnicky is a renaissance man. He writes, he brings people together, he helps people, he works hard, he serves our country. He's just returned from duty in Iraq and like him, there are other well-written men and women who have been chronically their experiences overseas. On September 12th, 2006, Random House released the book "Operation Homecoming," containing stories written by veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars. The reviews have all been 5-stars and Captain Jim has two stories in the book! So if you remember him from his parties in New York, or his stories during studying at Oxford U, then support him by buying the book!
Here are his other sites with stories:,,