The sun was shining, folks were fettering on folksie projects and performance artists were letting all their creative juices flow (Flavor: Bordeaux). It was NYU's Alumni weekend and I stopped by to visit several departments. First I peeked into the Experimental Theater Wing's studio to see department chair Kevin Kuhlke, who actually reminds me a lot of Kevin Kline, and updated him on my acting career (there's none).
Then I sauntered over to the ITP department, geek-girl at I am. The lovely department chair, Red Burns, oversaw their celebration with a massive Cupcake Café cake. Vica Vinogradova ( was beaming as she arrived and Master Teacher of Communications Marianne Petit ( was gathered around a table with Matthew Belanger and ECHOnyc's founder Stacy Horn, who told me about her next book project. (Stay
Two projects of note:
- A flat-screen panel that you could "paint" on. When you dipped one of three paintbrushes into a clear "test-tube" it would paint a different video image (in brushstrokes) of captured images from a cam.
- ITP 03 grad Jake Barton's A nationwide project to instruct and inspire people to record each others store. Record in grand central and in the library of congress.