Masur & Associates, LLC.
"Cyber Scene" supporter Steve Masur sent in this report on the Russian Consulate Entertainment Law Conference. "It was great!" We felt it only right to publish his full and witty report...
Folks, this is not a show to miss, next time it comes through town next year.
First of all, the space--this is one beautiful building, for anyone who has not seen it. It makes you feel as though you are in St. Petersburg. There was an opening reception and art show--and the content of the show was top notch. I learned directly applicable things about publishing deals, Visas for entertainers and business people and doing productions in Russia and other foreign countries. Lou Perlman, instigator of such little known bands as N'Sync and Natural gave a detailed point-by-point description of exactly how his business works, as well as a lot of insight into how to make money in the musical-tour business.
The networking was awesome. What I learned is that there is an industry there that should not be ignored by those of us trying to make a living off of this business of entertainment. Even ignoring the themeparks, which are a large draw for artists of all stripes (because of the cash to be made there), Miami is a hub for bands on tour (one of the reasons Perlman started his company there), as well as an interconnect to South America and the Latin entertainment market. I got an inkling of the potential of this when I went to MIDEM Miami in 1998, but this show showed me the real potential.
Then to polish it off, there was a reception with full Russian finger food and caviar and a piano recital by Richard Nanes, who I might add, is D**N GOOD and to be witnessed whenever possible at other venues. Needless to say, I fully enjoyed myself, and while many other revelers drank themselves under the table, I myself did not!
It suffices to say that this "ain't no normal PLI event." Fun was had by all and one (me), and the cultural exchange was not only between Russian companies and lawyers here in New York, but also between all the Florida-based entertainment attorneys and industry people who came up to New York for the event.
...AND you get massive CLE!
Don't miss it next time, folks, because the loser will be you.