Wednesday, January 24, 2001
Wicked Wednesday Launch
It wasn't necessarily an Internet crowd. It was more of a writing crowd. That's natural when you are invited to a party hosted by a number of writers, some whom work for the Internet industry.'s Chris Allbritton invited me to join Tali Giladi, and Suzanne and Wendy Riss, along with their friends at the cozy Solas' on January 24th. As guaranteed, coy, sidelong glances were darting around the room by the time I arrived.'s Seth Price was surprised to see me at such an un-Internet-related event. But Hey, a girl's gotta have friends outside the industry too, right?! We spied Chris chatting with Demos' Director of Research David Callahan, who's also working on a novel. Catherine Perry is also working on a book, but works in the research department at Glamour as well. She introduced me to her friend Meghan Dailey, whose job as associate editor at the Guggenheim is only part of her livelihood. The evening hours were creeping along, and this writer needed her beauty sleep for the big black tie the next day. So, she donned her hat, kissed her pals goodnight and went on her way.