Hi Folks,
Just a quickie to say we've got pics from the Webby's
cocktail party for new and old judges in the Great Room at the Union Square W
on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007.
My Photos and theirs, which could be retitled "Recognition Media's Neil Vogel and Friends.
It was sponsored by dotmobi for the new mobile category and
there was plenty of witty banter to go around (as well as tasty hors
d'oeuvres). I enjoyed talking with
dotmobi's CEO Neil Edwards, marketing & bizdev VP Alexa Raad and director
of PR & communications Vance Hedderel and learning about their future
BrandBuzz's creative director Hillary Evans and associate
director of Interactive Gwynne Gauntlett and I chatted about changes at Young
& Rubicam's interactive division and I learned that apparently 10-year old
gossip still exists there! Gucci's
Desirée Persson and Niels Meersshaert were quickly learning the who's who (and
who were the judges in their category).
BusinessWeek's Spencer Ante told me about his upcoming book and the
Webby's David-Michel Davies made sure to work the room while Recognition
Media's Neil Vogel worked it with his usual posse of lanky beauties on either
side. Stay tuned for more webby news!
Until next week....