Friday, June 03, 2005

3-Legged Dog

In case you don't know, you should!

* 3-Legged Dog is a non-profit theater and media group focusing on large-scale experimental artwork.

* After September 11th, 2001, when their headquarters were destroyed at 30 West Broadway 3-Legged Dog Media and Theater Group is announcing the construction launch of their new home in mid-May 2005. 3LD Art & Technology Center is located at 80 Greenwich Street in Lower Manhattan, just 3 blocks south of the WTC site.

* 3-Legged Dog is the first producing arts group to sign a lease in the Liberty Zone and the first to rebuild downtown. "A cultural anchor for the Greenwich Street Arts Corridor, our new center will provide complete production and presentation facilities for emerging and established artists and organizations that create large-scale experimental works, many of which incorporate and create new tools and technologies."

For more valuable information: