Thursday, November 13, 1997

POV, Sports New York Cybertini party

POV and Sports New York held a Cybertini party for its latest issue featuring the Top 100 Websites on Nov. 13th. Representatives from most of the selected sites were present, including Gabrielle Middaugh (MSNBC), Art Winslow (The Nation) and Robert Tacchino (Instinet) and many more. The band Very Very played some oldies but goodies (and some not so goodies) and I made the rounds. Jayson Goldberg, Randall Lane, and Ben Cramer (all of POV) showed me around their offices. David Birnbaum and W. Vaughan Turner of Flatiron Consulting Chelsea Networks were hanging out in the back, where you could breathe a bit. John L.A. Wilson (CEO,, Jeff Paro (publisher, VP The Outdoor Company), all enjoyed one of the classic beverages, and enjoyed one of the fun Fortune Cookies provided by John Maggio. Peter Levitan (president of New Jersey Online, which produces Sports New York) was distributing phone cards from his other sites (Yuckiest Site) while Joe Cerbo (NJO) was struttin' around in his spats. On my way out Myles Weissleder of i-traffic introduced me to Ruben Perez (NJO) before he chivalrously offered me his SportsNY cap to protect against the increasing heavy rains.

(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)