Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Cocktails with Courtney" ~ Halloween

And then the very next night was a different story altogether (here's the "camp" part) with the Groucho Marx-themed "Cocktails with Courtney" soiree on Halloween at Pulse Restaurant. Guests arriving in Groucho Marx masks got their admission price waived (treat!) and those who didn't...well, no tricks but let's just say, "they paid the price." Among the guests (in costume) were: Propanda Marketing Communications Inc's president Amy Krakow and her notable husband, Gary Krakow, who's seen the insides of the Microsoft beast since the early days. Other guests ala Groucho were: Andi Jompole ( and her four friends including Gerit Quealy and Susan Kaufman, David Glackin, John Joseph Bachir (formerly of the fabulous and all-around-cool-guy) ( and Richard Allen Charles Leider who's had the whole shtick since high school!


While every guest is near and dear, some other notable mentions are: TMGI's Angelina Jao (, Vantage Point Venture Partners' Howard Yeh and AOL's Ken Gawrelski. Then the dueling Larry's showed up (separately and without a duel): Larry Aronson brought me up to speed on his programming efforts and Larry Kesslin on his burgeoning entrepreneur consulting business. Martin White, TJ Walker ( and Shehzad Daredia rounded out the fun-loving, comic and effervescent guests that the CWC events are known for!

Come to our next 'Cocktails ~ Monday, November 27th from 6:00 PM – 7:30 at Pulse Restaurant.

And with that ~ Olé and see soon!