HELD AT THE EVER TRENDY, groovy Irving Plaza, the World Wide Web Artists Consortium meeting featured a big demo by Lara Stein and Madeline Kirbach from Microsoft Multimedia Productions, part of the Microsoft Network (MSN) and entertainment lawyer Jed Alpert, from the law firm of Rudolph & Beer. The demo went well but there seemed to be a bit of frustration from the crowd by the tone in which it was presented. Most people felt Microsoft was preaching "this is how you'll need to present info to us, etc. if you want to do business with us" as opposed to a more "we'd love to hear your ideas and work WITH you" attitude. Obviously MS isn't going away, and they do have some good products, but we are still in the collaboration mode and need to work together in developing standards, programs, and new technology.
Andrew Rasiej, who runs the show at Irving Plaza, filled us in on a very exciting event: NETDAY. Here's your chance to help wire the public schools --starting with Washington Irving High School. This is an effort fueled by privatecompanies and individuals. Using the "Adopt-A-Highway" metaphor, the goal forthis particular school is to put in 54 work-stations; Andrew already has the T1installed! Please come join the effort to enable our city's youth to getconnected and advance technologically. You can also contact: Cecilia Pagkalinawan, 212-886-3964, and Andrew at: 212-777-6817. E-mail or call them for more info!
(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)