Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Walmart's Against the Wall
Check out -- "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" and "Outfoxed" released his latest film, "Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Prices." It's a powerful expose on the toll the Wal-Mart behemoth has taken on workers and communities cross the country, and how we can help turn the tide. Buy an advance copy of the powerful new film online at: http://www.walmartmovie.com/watch.php?track=moveon. From the MoveOn website: "Wal-Mart is owned by the nation's wealthiest family, but its average salary is below the poverty line--leaving over half of it's full time employees without health care or dependent on Medicaid. It drives own labor standards at home and around the world. It has destroyed countless small businesses in thousands of communities. And it does it all by absorbing billions of dollars in corporate welfare every year."