Other points he enlightened us on were a high-level view on the future of the industry, (STP) Straight Through Processing, T+1, market potential and technology vs. integrity. Afterwards, Consul General Olle Wastberg encouraged us to partake in the necessary networking and have a beverage. And this was done with much enthusiasm. I chatted it up with F-Secure's Gene Trivell who told me about this Finnish-based company and then met CSFB Direct product development manager Andrew Larson and WebMap CEO and co-founder Michael Iron. Elastic Agency's Magnus Gink introduced me around to a few fellows and Phillips Nizer attorney Peter Fields and Asaf Hahami told me about their networking events as well.
With plenty to discuss and wines and hors d'oeuvres being graciously passed around the seventy financial analysts, technology professionals were able to indulge in some extraordinary networking indeed! www.swedeninfo.com/financialapplications / www.om.com