Thursday, August 21, 1997

The Alley to Valley Rally - Iowa, Illinois, Missouri (Radio interviews and Pulitzer Publishing)

* August 21 -- Enjoyed my interview with Tim Renshaw of KGLO in Mason City, Iowa. Tim runs a cool Web site at At the Kentucky Dam One Stop, Earl Shrum, an older, lake-tanned, and water-wise fishing guide, had several prize catch already de-scaled and packed in the cooler. As I was mentioning the Internet and our website, he said, "sure, we know about that stuff." Earl said that he had some pictures up of his fish on a site ( We pulled into Marion, Illinois for a quick bite at Burger King. I loved the pretty flowers on the counter, a small assortment of fresh cut red, pink, yellow roses, carnations, daisies, and assorted wildflowers. A man named "Bill" brings them in every day. That's all they know about him other, than he wears a white cap, and tips all the employees $1 every day. Just across the street, the Ford Dealership had a sign reading "" Final stop was St. Louis. My hands were shaking as I entered St. Louis Post Dispatch headquarters on Tucker Boulevard, and was greeted by a bust of Joseph Pulitzer--yes, my famous relative--and quotations on the walls. After a few calls by Ernest, the nice night security guard, I went up to the newsroom and met with the crew in the "Digital Square," the Post-Dispatch's Web group. They were polite, but I got the sense I wasn't appreciated for owning the site: "Oh so YOU'RE the one who has the name?" and "We heard you wanted A MILLION dollars for it."

(Appeared originally in @The Scene in the @NY newsletter)