Monday, October 24, 2005

BREATHE*STRONG* and long, and proud

Asthma is a problem in cities and the country alike. But what would you do if your lungs didn’t work efficiently ever--at all! Six degrees of separation is at work again, as I tell you the story of Scott Roth, who is Kim Buchheit’s brother. I met Kim, as you may recall, through Tery Spataro on our Canyon Adventures in April 2005.

Kim's brother Scott has Cystic Fibrosis and had a miracle double lung transplant. Now, Kim and Mike put together an amazing program to help Scott out with all those incredible medical bills. Yes, the wristband phenomenon is going strong -- but purchases of the BREATHESTRONG wristband is one that is really, truly is going to directly benefit the beneficiary. Please, if you do anything this week, check out their sites and purchase a wristband. Love makes the world go ‘round and you’ll be helping out your Karma Bank too!

BREATHE*STRONG* Wristbands -- The BREATHE*STRONG* fundraising campaign is our family’s effort to help Scott and his family manage this financial burden and get their lives back to normal. 100% of the proceeds go directly to Scott and his family.

These exclusive BREATHE*STRONG* wristbands are now *available online*
at for *$3.00 each*, and available directly from a seller for just $2.00 each!!
(Note: The higher online cost is due to Paypal processing fees and
shipping costs.)

Scott’s wife Sally's web site --