Friday, May 07, 2004

Back in Baghdad

Some people have no fear. Or if they do, they shrug it off in the face of adventure and a purpose. And our dear Christopher Allbritton is back in Baghdad! The farewell affair was at the v-e-r-y swanky Dylan Prime in Tribeca on Friday, May 7th and he was surrounded the entire night by friends, fans and well-wishers. Among those were the charming “Tim,” a New Zealander correspondent with a rockin’ Kiss shirt. His friend Ann, who also studies Arabic with Chris’s teacher Amed, brought him along. Clive Thompson (writer for the New Yorker, New York Times et al) was especially dapper in his suit and tie and tres gentile as he ordered beverages for “Emily,” who was at the nervey mag Nerver and is now Editor at the New Yorker. Slate writer and Lulu Brooks-look-alike Michelle Goldberg and her prolific and generous husband Matthew Ipcar amazed me with stories of their trips (yes, plural) to Iraq. It was a lovely evening and we all wish Chris safe passages and much success with his writing endeavors. (